Proper Addressing
For the quickest and most accurate sorting of incoming mail, we ask that you have your mail addressed as follows:
How to address mail
Your name and class year
Mailbox #
815 North Broadway
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866-1632
Outgoing mail: Include your name and return address
Your name
815 North Broadway
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866-1632
Outgoing mail: Include your name and department in return address
Please include the person's name and department.
DO NOT USE "PO BOX." You must use "MAILBOX #." Failure to do so will result in your mail going to a different post office in Saratoga Springs.
- For inter-campus mail delivery, please include the person's name and department.
- If you are mailing to a student, please use the student's name, class year and mailbox number.
- Departments, class years and mailbox numbers in the address will help get the mail to the right person in the shortest time.
- Middle initials can also be used for further clarification.
Included here are the State and Territory Abbreviations along with the approved Common Address Element Abbreviations. Please use these on your outgoing mail.