Internal Mail Pickup and Delivery
We deliver once a day to departments. At that time, the outgoing mail will also be picked up. To help facilitate getting your mail processed in a timely fashion, we ask that your outgoing mail be prepared as follows:
- Please have all mail facing in the same direction.
- Please have the flaps up if they have to be sealed.
- Separate out any pieces that need air mail (internatioinal) postage.
- Keep inter-campus and outgoing stamped mail separate from metered mail.
- Please separate all mail requiring special service (i.e. Certified, Insured, Registered, Overnight, etc.).
- Please make sure your department name is on the envelope.
- Please write legibly to avoid delays in your mail delivery.
- Letters to students need to have a name, class year and mailbox number.
- Letters to faculty, administrators or staff need the recipient's department.