All vehicles parked on campus must be registered at the Summer Registration Desk upon
check-in. Parking is prohibited in roadways, no-parking zones, handicap zones, fire
lanes, loading docks, lawns, and sidewalks. Parking must not impede access to the
campus and its buildings by emergency vehicles. Vehicles may not be driven on unpaved
areas. Vehicles in violation of this policy will be ticketed and subject to towing.
The following parking lots are considered commuter lots, and no cars may be parked
there between 2 AM and 7 AM any day of the week: Case Lot, Tower Lot, North Hall Lot,
Harder Hall Lot, Palamountain Lots, Sports Center Parking Lot, and Dance Theater/Lodge
Parking Lot, Perimeter Road parallel parking spaces.
The following parking lots are considered overnight lots, and cars may be parked
there overnight:
Wait Lot, West Lot, Tang Lot, Arts Quad A, Arts Quad B (CLOSED SUMMER 2018), Northwoods
Parking Lot and Falstaff's Parking Lots.
Vehicles utilizing the Northwoods 30-minute parking spaces must abide by the 30-minute
time limit and must have flashers on. Violators will be ticketed and towed.