Motor vehicle policy: personal vehicle usage
An individual who drives his or her personal vehicle on college business or to/from
a college activity is responsible for his or her own safety as well as the safety
of any passengers. The college bears no responsibility for the operation or operating
condition of personal vehicles and expects drivers of personal vehicles to comply
with applicable local, state and federal laws.
The owner of the vehicle must carry at least the minimum automobile liability limits
required by state law. The owner’s automobile liability coverage shall be the primary
insurance coverage. The owner of the vehicle is responsible for any applicable deductible
(e.g., liability or collision coverage) and is responsible for any increased personal
automobile insurance premiums as a result of any accidents. There is no physical damage
coverage through the college for personal vehicles. The college reimburses the use
of a personal vehicle for official college business at the standard mileage rate published
annually by the college. The rate is intended to cover all costs associated with owning
a vehicle, including physical damage insurance.
Claims arising from use of a personal vehicle are to be reported to the owner’s insurance
agent. In the event of a serious or potentially serious claim, the Office of Risk
Management should also be notified.