OCSE Photo Contest Winners - 2020
Off-Campus Study & Exchanges is pleased to announce the winners and honorable mentions
of the 2020 OCSE Photo Contest. OCSE received hundreds of photos from students that
studied off-campus during the 2019-20 academic year. Photos were submitted in one
of four categories: My City, My Host Culture, My Sefl(ie), or My Return. A first-place
winner was selected for each category. A Best of Show award was also given for the
best overall photo. Representatives chosen by the office of Off-Campus Study & Exchanges
served as the judging committee for the contest.
Best in Show
Kruger National Park, South Africa
Ben Crooke '21, OTS African Ecology & Conservation - South Africa
My City
Light of Vatican City
Rome, Italy
Wynn Lee '21, SACI - Florence
My Self(ie)
Sunset Watch on Headrig
On board the Corwith Cramer, sailing off the coast of Saun Juan, Puerto Rico
Jade Bacherman '22, Williams-Mystic: Maritime Studies Program
My Host Culture
Aarhus, Denmark
Lilas Seno '21, DIS Copenhagen
My Return
The final sunset
Pago Pago, American Samoa
Nicole Barry '21, SIT Samoa: Social and Environmental Change in Oceania
virtual photo gallery
The annual OCSE Photo Contest receives hundreds of photos each year. While we can only choose a few winners, OCSE is continually impressed by the quality and diversity of photos we receive. Please check out this virtual gallery highlighting the honorable mentions and judge's favorites from the 2020 contest.