Julie Douglas
department chair and Professor of Statistics
Office: CIS 330F
Telephone: (518) 580-5219
Email: jdougla3@skidmore.edu
Professor Douglas teaches statistics and probability courses in the Department. She
completed her Ph.D. in Biostatistics at the University of Michigan School of Public
Health. She also holds an M.S. in Biostatistics and a B.A. in Mathematics and Secondary
Education. Her research expertise is in a subfield of statistics known as statistical
genetics, which is concerned with the analysis of genetic data. For the last two decades,
she and her colleagues have been working to identify genetic and non-genetic risk
factors for a variety of diseases and medically important traits. She is currently
collaborating on pharmacogenomic studies of breast cancer with her colleagues at the
University of Michigan Medical School, where she has been on the faculty since 2001.