Mark Youndt
Contact Information & Background
Department of Management & Business
Phone: 518-580-5114
Office: PMH 263
Curriculum Vitae
- Ph.D., management and organization, Pennsylvania State University
- MBA, general management, Rollins College
- B.A., management, Gettysburg College (magna cum laude)
- MB 107 Business and Organization Management
- MB 349 Business Strategy
- SSP 100 Human Dilemmas
Selected Publications
- Youndt, M.A. & Snell, S.A., 2020. Human resource configurations, intellectual capital,
and organizational performance. Journal of Managerial Issues, 32(1), 60-83.
- Meyer, C., Skaggs, B.C., and Youndt, M.A., (2014). Investigating the limits of knowledge: An examination of the levels and performance benefits of organizational capital in service and manufacturing firms. Journal of Managerial Issues, 26(4), 326-344.
- Eckardt, R., Skaggs, B.C., and Youndt, M.A., 2014. Turnover and knowledge loss: An
examination of the differential impact of production manager and worker turnover in
service and manufacturing firms. Journal of Management Studies, 51(7), 1025-1057.
- Rosenbach, W.E., Taylor, R.L., and Youndt, M.A. (Eds.), 2012. Contemporary Issues in Leadership, 6th edition. New York, NY: Westview Press, Perseus Books Group.
- DAbate, C.P., Youndt, M.A., and Wenzel, K.E., 2009. Making the most of an internship:
An empirical study of internship satisfaction. Academy of Management Learning & Education,
8(4), 527-539.
- Subramaniam, M. & Youndt, M.A., 2005. The influence of intellectual capital on the nature of innovative capabilities. Academy of Management Journal, 48(3), 450-464.
- Youndt, M.A. & Snell, S.A., 2004. Human resource management, intellectual capital,
and organizational performance. Journal of Managerial Issues, 16(3), 337-360.
- Lepkowska-White, E., Page, C., & Youndt, M.A., 2004. Web image and young consumers:
An empirical investigation of factors influencing perceptions of online companies.
Journal of Internet Commerce, 3(2), 53-77.
- Skaggs, B.C. & Youndt, M.A., 2004. Strategic positioning, human capital, and performance
in service organizations. A customer interaction approach. Strategic Management
Journal, 25, 85-99.
- Youndt, M.A., Subramaniam, M., & Snell, S.A., 2004. Intellectual capital profiles:
An examination of investments and returns. Journal of Management Studies, 42(2),
- Snell, S.A., Lepak, D.P., Dean, J.W. Jr., & Youndt, M.A., 2000. Selection and training for integrated manufacturing: The moderating effect of job characteristics. Journal of Management Studies, 37(3), 445-466.
Selected Conference Presentations
- Meyer, C., Skaggs, B.C., and Youndt, M.A. 2015. Customer interaction strategy, intellectual
capital assets, and performance in professional service firms. Annual Conference of
the Academy of Management, Vancouver, BC.
- Joseph A. Schmidt, J.A., Jones, D.A., Willness, C.R., Bourdage, J.S., and Youndt,
M.A. 2012. The effects of inducement and expectation HR practices on turnover & customer
satisfaction. Annual Conference of the Academy of Management, Boston, MA.
- Eckardt, R., Skaggs, B.C., and Youndt, M.A. 2012 Knowledge loss & the turnover-performance
link: Differences between service & manufacturing firms. Annual Conference of the
Academy of Management, Boston, MA.
- Meyer, C., Skaggs, B.C., and Youndt, M.A. 2011. Investing the limits of knowledge: An examination of the levels and performance benefits of organizational capital in service and manufacturing firms. Annual Conference of the Academy of Management, San Antonio, TX.