James Kennelly
Contact Information & Background
Professor of International Business & Management
Department of Management & Business
Phone: 518-580-5108
Office: PMH 206
Curriculum Vitae
- Ph.D., international business & management, New York University, Stern School of Business
- M.Phil., international business & management, New York University, Stern School of Business
- MBA, international business & economics, New York University, Stern School of Business
- B.S., accounting, Montclair State University
- MB 306 Foundations of Business in the International Environment
- MB 351B Business and the Natural Environment
- MB 351D The Global Manager and Negotiator
- SSP 100 Ireland: Myth, Reality, Conflict, Identity
Selected Publications
- Kennelly, J.J. 2020. The evolution of the Kerry Co-op. In Maurice Bric (Ed.). Kerry history and society. Dublin, Ireland: Geography Publications.
- Sternad, D. & Kennelly, J.J. 2019. The effects of social acceleration on the organization-place
relationship. Tamara: Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry, 17(3), 26-36.
- Sternad, D. & Kennelly, J.J. 2017. The sustainable executive: Antecedents of managerial long-term orientation. Journal of Global Responsibility, 8(2), 179-195.
- Kennelly, J. J. & Odekon, M. 2016. Worker cooperatives in the United States, redux.
WorkingUSA: The Journal of Labor & Society, 19(2), 163-185.
- Kennelly, J. J. & Nagode, L. 2015. Tradition and Transformation at the Spanish Riding
School of Vienna. Case Research Journal, 35(3).
- Kennelly, J.J. Forthcoming 2014. Cooley Distillery: The independent spirit of Ireland.
Case Research Journal, 34(1).
- Shrivastava, P. & Kennelly, J.J. 2013. Sustainability and place-based enterprise.
Organization & Environment, 25(1), 83-101.
- Kennelly, J.J. & Mengel, T. 2011. Shell E&P Ireland Limited (SEPIL) and the Corrib
Gas Controversy. Case Research Journal, 31(4), 1-26.
- Kennelly, J.J. 2011. Normal courage: Robert A. Anderson and the Irish co-operative
moment. Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review, 100(300), 319-330.
- Bradley, F. & Kennelly, J.J. 2009. Knowledge is global, innovation local! Banking Ireland, Spring 2009.
- Kennelly, J.J. 2008. The Dawn of the practical: Horace Plunckett and the cooperative
movement. New Hibernia Review, 12(1), 62-81.
- Kennelly, J.J. & Bailey, S. 2007. Got Milk? Agri-Mark and the U.S. dairy industry.
Case Research Journal, 27(2), 45-75.
- Kennelly, J.J. & Bradley, F. 2005. Ireland in the new century: An Opportunity to foster
an ethic of sustainable enterprise. Sustainable Development, 13, 91-101.
- Kennelly, J.J. 2004. Oneida Ltd.: Setting the world's table, alone. Case Research Journal, 24(2), 89-120. (Awarded the Curtis E. Tate Award for best case of 2004 by North American Case Reserach Assocation.)
Selected Books
- Sternad, D., Kennelly, J. J. & Bradley, F. Forthcoming. Digging deeper: How purpose-driven enterprises create real value. Leeds: Greenleaf Publishing. (Scheduled for November 2016 release.)
- Bradley, F. & Kennelly, J. J. 2016. Gombeens at the Gate: Renewing the Rising through Ideals, Character and Place. Dublin: Teacht Aniar.
- Bradley, F. & Kennelly, J.J. 2013. The Irish Edge: How Enterprises Compete on Authenticity and Place. Dublin: The Orpen Press.
- Bradley, F. & Kennelly, J.J. 2008. Capitalising on culture, Competing on Difference: Innovation, Learning and Sense of
Place in a Globalising Ireland. Dublin, Ireland: Blackhall Publishing.
- Kennelly, J.J. 2001. The Kerry Way: The History of Kerry Group, 1972-2000. Dublin, Ireland: The Oak Tree Press.
- Kennelly, J.J. 2000. Institutional Ownership and Multinational Firms: Relationships to Social and Environmental Performance. New York: Garland Publishing, Inc.