David Cohen
Contact Information & Background
Associate Professor, Chair
Department of Management & Business
Office: PMH 209
Curriculum Vitae
- Ph.D. in management, with a specialization in strategic management, Isenberg School of Management, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
- J.D., University of Chicago
- B.A., University of Chicago
- MB 107 Business and Organization Management
- MB 349 Business Strategy
- SSP 100 First-Year Experience
Research and Teaching Interests
- Strategic management, including strategy process, the middle-management perspective on strategy process, and strategy process as a complex adaptive system
- Social network analysis
- Neo-institutionalism and organizational identity
Recent Publications
- Meyer, C., Cohen, D. and Nair, S. (2020), "From automats to algorithms: the automation of services using
artificial intelligence", Journal of Service Management, Published online ahead of print March 22, 2020. DOI: 10.1108/JOSM-05-2019-0161
- Meyer, C.R., Cohen, D.G., and Gauthier, J. (2019) Social entrepreneurship, stakeholder management, and the
multiple fitness elements of sustainability: where cash is no longer king, Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship, DOI: 10.1080/08276331.2019.1661614.
- Gauthier, J., Cohen, D.G. and Meyer, C.R. (2019) Top management team characteristics and social value creation. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, 10(2), 252-263. DOI: 10.1080/19420676.2018.1541012
2015 Conference Presentations
- Meyer, C.R., Cohen, D.G., and Gauthier, J. Heeding the Red Queen: Sustainability, Entropy, Innovation, and
Social Entrepreneurship. To be presented at the 12th Annual Social Entrepreneurship
Conference in New York, New York, November 2015.
- Gauthier, J., Meyer, C.R., and Cohen, D.G. The Role of Framing in Sustainability Championing: Implications for Social Intrapreneurs.
To be presented at the 12th Annual Social Entrepreneurship Conference in New York,
New York, November 2015.
- Cohen, D.G., Meyer, C.R., Nair, S. Mind the Gap: Social Entrepreneurs as Network Bridges in the Funding of Stem Cell Research. Presented at the: 2015 Academy of Management Annual Meeting in Vancouver, BC, Canada, August 10, 2015